Important Links

There are many sources available online which may aid in your research into the boxer dog.

American Boxer Club – This is the website for the boxer parent club and it contains information on everything concerning the boxer world.  There’s even a You Tube channel devoted to our dogs!  Enjoy!

American Boxer Charitable Foundation – This group was established over twenty years ago to raise funds for research into boxer diseases.  It contains information on boxer health and ways in which you can help to eradicate disease.

Crate Training a Puppy
How to Crate Train Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps
How to Crate Train a Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide From an Expert

Training a Puppy
Most puppies (and adult dogs) who are returned to the breeder or to a shelter are returned because they lack the most basic obedience skills.  This is never the fault of the puppy but always the fault of the new owner.  It takes time and patience to teach a dog the skills with which he can happily live in a home.  And it is always worth doing! 

There are numerous websites dedicated to dog training.  I would suggest contacting a local dog training club for more information.   Puppy classes sponsored by big box stores are often taught by “trainers” who have had an 8 week course in dog training. 

Super Puppy - How to train the best dog you’ll ever have - Peter J. Vollmer – available on Amazon



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Copyrights © Maryland Boxer Club, Inc.